FAQ for students
General information
What is the KIT Career Fair?
The KIT Career Fair is a job event of Career Service & Alumni . The fair offers you the opportunity to get in touch with companies and institutions directly on campus and to get to know potential employers for your future career.
When is the date of the KIT Career Fair 2024?
The date for the KIT Career Fair is usually mid-May, this year the fair will take place on May 14 and 15, 2024.
Where will the KIT Career Fair take place?
The fair will take place as an open-air job at the Forum in front of the Audimax building (building 30.95). Find the map here: 

Who is the KIT Career Fair for?
The KIT Career Fair is aimed primarily at all students, doctoral candidates, and alumnae and alumni of KIT. The participating companies mainly want to get in contact with this target group. However, students from other universities may also come to the fair and obtain information about possible employers.
Does the fair cost admission?
No, attendance at the fair including the accompanying programme is free of charge for students.
Do I need to register in advance?
No, there is no need to register. Just come to the fairgrounds around the Audimax! We recommend that you start in the Career Service & Alumni studio tent, where you can get useful tips and information about your visit to the fair.
Who organizes the KIT Career Fair?
The KIT Career Fair has been organized by the Career Service & Alumni department Career Service & Alumni since 2013. Career Service & Alumni support you from the first semester and beyond your graduation with your application and career entry. In addition to the fair, we offer many other events and workshops as well as the Career-Service-Portal with job exchange and other helpful tools. Feel free to take a look around.
How do you select companies to participate in the KIT Career Fair?
We do not make any selection: Companies and institutions that would like to get to know and hire KIT students book their participation at the fair for a fee. The first-come-first-serve principle applies to the limited places. In order to cover a balanced mix of sectors, we allocate the available places according to the desired disciplines. In this way, the KIT Career Fair should provide offers for students of all disciplines.
Preparation for your visit
Where can I get an overview of the participating companies?
A company overview with many filter functions is available in the Career Service Portal. Here you can see who is at the trade fair on which day and under which stand number. In addition, you can filter by specialisation, sector and more, find out more in the company profile and directly view company job advertisements.
Can I arrange meetings with companies in advance?
There is no appointment tool yet this year, but we are planning to do so in the future. For now, our tip is to create a student profile in the Career Service Portal and let interested companies find you there. You can easily log into the Career Service Portal with your KIT account and add details of your CV to your profile and upload documents such as certificates and similar. The student profile also offers you the opportunity to be contacted by suitable companies even after the trade fair.If you want to take action yourself: You will find contact boxes in the company's trade fair profiles and can already approach the contact persons and suggest a date for a meeting at the trade fair.
How do I find suitable companies for my field of expertise?
There are two ways to do this: You can filter all companies according to your field of specialisation in the company directory on the career service portal.Coloured stickers also give you an overview on the exhibition grounds. Depending on which field they are looking for new recruits, the companies will mark their stands with colour. In addition, company representatives can use a textile sticker to identify themselves as the contact person for a specific field.
How do I identify companies that I may not know yet, but that would still be an option for me?
Here, too, we recommend the company directory in the Career Service Portal. There you can filter according to your criteria. In addition to industry and fields of study, many companies also specify keywords which fields of activity they are looking for – just scroll through to see if there is anything that suits your interests.
How can companies tell what I'm studying?
You can pick up a coloured textile sticker in your field colour at the info counter in the studio tent. If you want, you can also use it as a name tag – there are also pens for labeling in the studio tent.
Which color represents which discipline?

Is there a job wall?
There is no physical job wall with job advertisements on paper for reasons of waste prevention. However, you can find the current job vacancies of the trade fair companies in the pre-filtered online job board in the Career-Service-Portal.
Where can I find more information about the companies?
Every company has an online trade fair profile on the Career Service Portal. Click on the companys' name in the company directory to find information about the company as an employer, contact details and much more.
I'm not sure how to get started at the show – where can I find tips?
The best place to start is in the studio tent of Career Service & Alumni! Here you can get tips and information, as well as textile stickers in the colour of your field of study.
Is there food and drink at the fair?
While supplies last, you can get free food from the food trucks. To do this, you'll first need a Foodcoin, which you can get at the info counter in the studio tent.Our mobile water stations also provide refreshment in between, where you can have your water bottle filled from water backpacks. We do not dispense disposable cups for reasons of waste prevention.